A beautiful garden creates a great view of your house. At McKenzie's Landscape, we believe one of the best ways to make your garden look beautiful on a budget is to roll up your sleeves and give these 3 simple projects a try. If you run into trouble, we're always happy to help, we've been part of countless projects from Wilsonville to Salem over the last 15 years and love to help transform outdoor spaces into something special.
Building Stepping Stones in Your Garden Stepping stones enhance the look of your garden by making it look more structured and guiding the flow of foot traffic. When using this landscaping method, follow these 4 simple steps to come up with breathtaking results:
- First, you need to map out the path and create a perfect outline.
- Second, you need to collect large, flat stones that will fit the path that you want to outline, and then dig out the earth by using a half-moon edger or similar tool. (Stones can be purchases at a number of reputable places through the Willamette valley, ask us about our favorites)
- Third, you need to add stone dust on the dug-out area. Stone dust is essential in providing the stepping stones with a stable base.
- Once you are done with these three steps, you are left with one final step (the fun one!) which is, laying the stepping stones in a pattern you like.
Edging your Garden One of the best ways to enhance the look of your residential garden is by edging your garden. There are many ways to do this, for example, you can use blocks made of forged iron or sculpted cement. First and foremost, you will need to shape the flowerbed, and then dig out a trench where you will lay the edging materials you've chosen. Once you are done, backfill some soil in the front and back of the blocks if necessary to make them stable and compact the soil to make it look neat.
More edging ideas. Re-Gravelling Paths and Driveways Graveled paths and driveways get pot-holes from time to time due to bad weather conditions or water logging (especially here in the Pacific Northwest). To fix things, it can be as easy as buying a few bags of gravel and fill up the pit-holes. If the pit holes are on the driveway, you can fill up the hole and align the filled in spot with a flat piece of wood or run over the area with a car.
If any of these projects seem daunting or you don't have time to do the heavy lifting,
our team is here to help you. Otherwise, send us pictures of what you've done in your yard, we'd love to see what you come up with!